all about how to use the Blessing Wheel for your awesome energy work!

We will be adding videos regularly to share information about building a healthy and powerful practice.

Check here for new classes where you can connect to other practitioners: CALENDAR.

Take a wild adventure on the Highway- GET A  READING BY THE AUTHOR!
Designed to give you more freedom.
Look at our new BUY LOCALLY links page to find a store near you. We are in stores coast to coast and our list is growing.
Check out our Products page where you can buy cards, books, sets, and fine quality prints of your favorite card image.
Check out What’s New! for new tools, toys, totems, and services emerging soon.
As we follow the growth of our deck, we also teach, lecture, train, and provide readings through this website and at events and retail outlets.
Our most valuable asset: You, of course.  Contact us for customer service and inquiries.