Seeing a full service operating Radio Station in a New Age space was like a gigantic antidote for the silence of spiritual solitude.
Last night I had the pleasure of being a guest on Gang of Girls Radio in Naperville.
Those of us who choose the path of spiritual adventure spend a lot of time as a sole practitioner. Ours is a path of Faith and I’m not saying that our world isn’t real- but it is formless by definition.
Donna and Auriel, partners in Elevated Delights, have taken it an inch closer to “real” by creating the Gang of Girls Live Show on The Spiritual Network at Stream 24.7 Radio Station.
For the first half of the show I got to see them host. They shared sources and ideas in a humorous and gentle manner that was designed to stimulate listener empowerment- it worked! I wrote down a long list and here I am writing my first blog entry.
We talked about Dreaming Girl Highway while technical assist instantly posted readings on the monitor in front of me with the streaming chat from all over the world! They average 2-5000 listeners and I did card readings for the ones who asked. FUN!
They run their business with so much imagination about what it means to connect, that I felt like I was in a space station equipped for a trip to another dimension.
This is why we do what we do- to connect- to imagine- to manifest.
Thank you, Donna and Auriel, for an enlightening and enlivening evening. Radio on!